Black Cat Wiki
My dad didn't do anything wrong!! I can't let him get away with it! I can't!

—Tim Vertical, Chapter 64

Tim Vertical
Biographical Information

ティム バーティカル


Timu Bātikaru

Basic Information





March 26

Blood Type

Type AB


147 cm


44 kg

Hair Color


Eye Color



Unnamed Father (Deceased)
Unnamed Mother
Unnamed Grandmother


Electronic Games, Build-by-yourself Models, hamburgers, his father's special pasta



Professional Information

Chapter 63


Episode 14: The Kitty Cat

Voice Actors
Japanese Voice

Motoko Kumai

English Voice

Colleen Clinkenbeard

Image Gallery

Tim Vertical (ティム バーティカル Timu Bātikaru) is a boy who swore revenge on the policeman who killed his father.


Tim is a child with spiky dark green hair. He wears shorts and a shirt with a cross on it under a hood He also has a band-aid on the left side of his face.


Tim is very stuborn and does not like to listen to people shorter or younger then he is. Initially, he was hungry for vengeance, but with Train's help, realizes that revenge will not bring him satisfaction. He aspires to become a reporter who stands for truth and justice like his father once was.



Tim lived with his journalist father after his parents divorced when he was four years old.

Tim's father obtained evidence that a police officer named Bouldin was involved with illegal dealings with the mafia, Bouldin killed him and Tim took the evidence, becoming the corrupted police officer's next target as a result. Tim managed to evade the police's grasp, and vowed vengeance on Baldwin.


Tim, along with Leon Elliott and other orphans, formed a makeshift family to take care of each other. After Leon leaves, Tim becomes the unofficial leader of the group.

Manga Plot[]

Vengeance Arc[]

Tim meets Train Heartnet by falling on Train out of a tree. A group of men then appear and start shooting at him, but thanks to Train, they got away. Noticing Train's gun, Tim wants Train to kill Bouldin or at least teach him how to use one. Train, realising that Tim's story is just like his own, agrees to help Tim. Then, the police lead by Murdoch, Bouldin's right hand man, barge in. When Train beats them, he confronts Bouldin at the police station. Tim then appears and witnesses Train shooting Bouldin. Outside, Tim becomes saddened thinking about his father and does not know why he feels "horrible." Train tells Tim that he did not kill Bouldin, only stunned him with a paralysis paint bullet. After that, they take Tim to his grandmother's house and he tells them that he will be a news reporter just like his father.

Anime Plot[]

Train and Eve run into a group of orphans who are being attacked by a group of men. They find out that the group wants the kids to leave so Train and Eve decided to help. When the men come back Train defeats them and they leave for good. Tim and the kids thank Train and Eve.

When the Apostles of the Stars are defeated, Leon Elliott goes back to the orphans but when Eden attacked, it captured Tim. After Eden is defeated Tim is brought back.

Afterwards, Leon, Tim, Layla, and all the kids are working at a food restaurant, and Leon and Tim talk about what they've been through to get there.


Train Heartnet[]

Tim wanted Train to help him get his revenge and was stubborn about it. Train agreed to help him, but not by killing the man who killed Tim's father, but by pretending to kill him so that Tim will understand that revenge brings nothing.


  • In the anime, Tim has a happy face on his shirt, while Leon has a frown face on his jacket.


Main Train Heartnet  |  Sven Vollfied  |  Eve  |  Rinslet Walker
Independent Saya Minatsuki
Sweepers Alliance River Zastory  |  Kevin McDougall  |  Silphy Dearcroft  |  Lacdoll  |  Gallom
Elders Willzark
Chronos Numbers Sephiria Arks  |  Belze Rochefort  |  Emilio Lowe  |  Kranz Maduke  |  Nizer Bruckheimer  |  Anubis  |  Jenos Hazard  |  Baldorias S. Fanghini  |  David Papper  |  Ash  |  Lin Shaolee  |  Beluga J. Heard  |  Mason Ordrosso
Chronos Erasers Clevar
Other Karl Walken
The Apostles of the Stars
Main Creed Diskenth  |  Shiki  |  Echidna Parass  |  Kyoko Kirisaki  |  Charden Flamberg  |  Durham Glaster  |  Leon Elliot  |  Maro  |  Doctor
Other Deek Slasky  |  Preta Ghoul  |  Eathes  |  Igor Planter  |  Gyanza Rujike
Other Torneo Rudman
Other Annette Pias  |  Woodney  |  Tearju Lunatique  |  Tim Vertical  |  Layla  |  Saki  |  Zagine Axeloake

 |  Kelly Barris  |  Morris Flitt
