Black Cat Wiki


The Boy Who Fell from the Sky (Part II)
Chapter 64's Cover
Kanji: {{{Kanji}}}
Romaji {{{Romaji}}}
English The Boy Who Fell from the Sky (Part II)
Volume 7
Chapter 64
Previous Chapter 63
Next Chapter 65

The Boy Who Fell from the Sky (Part II) is the sixty-fourth chapter of the Black Cat manga and the seventh chapter of Volume 7.


Tim Vertical repeats that he wants to kill someone who killed his father. Sven Vollfied advises him to go to the police, but Tim says he can not because the man who killed his father is a police officer.

At a police station, Murdoch tells his subordinate (The man who shot at Tim) to find the boy and anyone with him and to not fail again. He asks his boss, Bouldin, if he is sure that Tim has the film. The police officer assures him that he is, as Tim was always with his father up until his death.

Tim explains to the sweepers that his father was a reporter who had evidence of the police making deals with mobs, but the police found out and killed him. Before dying, Mr. Vertical gave his son the film and told him to run. He begs Train to kill the man responsible and offers to pay him $1000, but Train refuses, so Tim asks the sweeper to teach him how to use a gun. Train asks him if he is sure that this is what he wants, to which Tim says yes. Train finally agrees to help him get revenge and tells him to get some sleep.

Once they are alone, Sven asks his partner why he agreed. Train explains that he understands the desire to avenge a parent while remembering the day his parents were killed.

Eve is asleep, while Tim is still up. He suddenly hears noise outside and sees that the police are here. Train and Sven also see them and Train loads Hades

Tr Characters in Order of Appearance[]
